Hay Day Farm Designs - Create a Beautiful and Functional Farm with These Tips (2024)

Table of Contents
Consider the Size and Shape of Your Farm Decide Where to Place Your Buildings and Decorations Create a Path System That is Efficient and Visually Appealing Leave Open Areas for Planting Crops Use Symmetry and Patterns to Create a Sense of Order Draw Inspiration from Real Farms Consider the Climate of Your Farm Temperature Sunlight Elevation Soil Type Choose Crops That Are Profitable Grow High Value Crops Plant Crops Needed to Fill Orders Grow Crops That Make Products Choose Crops That Are Easy To Grow Select Native Crops Start with Fast Maturing Crops Upgrade to Speed Up Growth Avoid Fussy, Labor Intensive Crops Plant Crops in a Way That Maximizes Space and Efficiency Use Rectangular or Square Sections Group Similar Crops Together Intermingle Fast and Slow Growing Crops Leave Space Between Sections Maximize Every Inch of Tillable Land Group Similar Buildings Together Position Buildings for Efficient Resource Collection Use Buildings to Create Visually Appealing Areas Leave Space Around Buildings Elevate Some Buildings Add Trees, Flowers, and Decorations Use Decorations to Create Paths and Borders Create Themed Areas on Your Farm Incorporate Water Features Use Terrain Shaping Decorations Harvest Crops Regularly Collect Resources from Buildings Sell Goods to Earn Coins Use Coins to Upgrade and Expand Complete Achievements for Rewards Care for Your Animals Place Buildings to Minimize Walking Time Create Paths for Easy Access Group Similar Crops Together Use Buildings and Trees as Windbreaks Allow Adequate Storage and Processing Space Use a Variety of Decorations Create Defined Activity Areas Plant Colorful Crops and Foliage Incorporate Water Features Follow Curving Paths Create Seating Areas for Relaxing Traditional Farm Layout Modern Farm Layout Themed Layouts Compact Layouts Unique Layouts FAQs

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When starting your Hay Day farm, it’s important to take some time to plan out your layout. A well-designed farm will be both efficient and visually appealing, allowing you to effectively grow crops and earn coins while also creating an area you enjoy spending time in. Here are some tips for planning your farm’s layout:

Consider the Size and Shape of Your Farm

The size and shape of your farm will have a big impact on how you design it. Make sure to take stock of the amount of land you have to work with. Long, narrow farms will need a different layout than square or irregularly-shaped ones. Think about how much open space you want versus farm buildings and decorations. This will help you divide up your farm effectively.

Decide Where to Place Your Buildings and Decorations

Determine the best placement for important buildings like your house, silo, barn, and production buildings. Group similar buildings together in neat sections. Make sure to leave enough space between areas for planting crops. Plan out decorative elements like fences, trees, bushes, and flowers. These can help divide sections or borders and make your farm look amazing.

Create a Path System That is Efficient and Visually Appealing

Once you know where everything will go, map out paths to connect everything together. Paths should provide easy access to all areas of your farm. Make sure they are wide enough for your character and machines to move around. Use different materials like brick or gravel to make them look great. Curving paths add visual interest.

Leave Open Areas for Planting Crops

Don’t overcrowd your farm. Leave plenty of open spaces for growing different crops. Divide these into rectangular or square sections using paths and decorations. This makes harvesting easier. Make sure every patch gets plenty of sun by avoiding shadows from buildings. Pay attention to elevation changes that may affect irrigation.

Use Symmetry and Patterns to Create a Sense of Order

A farm with a strong sense of symmetry and repeating patterns will look organized and well-planned. You can achieve this by using identical building placements and crop sections on each side. Repeating elements like fencing, trees, or decorations also adds pattern.

Hay Day Farm Designs - Create a Beautiful and Functional Farm with These Tips (2)

Draw Inspiration from Real Farms

Look at photos of real farms to get ideas for layouts and designs. Notice how they use buildings, crops, paths, and decor. See how symmetry, curves, elevations, and sizes are used. Then adapt what you like to work for your Hay Day farm.

Planning is the first step to an efficient and aesthetically pleasing farm. Take time to thoughtfully organize your layout before you start planting. With these tips, you’ll have a farm that not only functions well, but also looks wonderful. The effort you put into the design will pay off as your farm thrives!

Selecting the most suitable crops to grow is key to having a thriving and productive farm in Hay Day. Consider factors like climate, profitability, and space efficiency when deciding what to plant. Here are some tips for choosing the best crops for your farm:

Hay Day Farm Designs - Create a Beautiful and Functional Farm with These Tips (3)

Consider the Climate of Your Farm

Pay attention to the climate and environment of your Hay Day farm. Some crops only grow well in certain conditions while others are more flexible. Here are some things to keep in mind:


  • Warm weather crops like corn, tomatoes, and peppers need full sun and do not thrive in colder temperatures.
  • Cool weather crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes grow better in spring and fall weather.


  • Make sure crops that need full sunlight are not shaded by buildings, trees, or decorations.
  • Shade tolerant crops like coffee and grapes will do fine in partial shade.


  • Growing crops on varied terrain adds visual interest, but make sure to irrigate elevated areas.
  • Low lying areas may collect more water and suit crops with higher moisture needs.

Soil Type

  • Fertile loam soils will grow most crops well. Sandy or clay soils may require amendments.
  • Test different crops in each area to see which thrive.

Choose Crops That Are Profitable

Make sure to grow crops that will maximize your profit and coin earnings.

Grow High Value Crops

  • Focus on crops that sell for the most coins like corn, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers.
  • Balance quantity and growth time with price to find profitable options.

Plant Crops Needed to Fill Orders

  • Check the newspaper regularly for crop orders needed by town visitors.
  • Fill the orders to earn big coin rewards and XP.

Grow Crops That Make Products

  • Grow wheat and sugarcane to supply your bakery.
  • Milk your cows and goats to make cheese in your dairy.
  • Use your own crops to manufacture valuable products.

Choose Crops That Are Easy To Grow

Select crops that are well suited for your climate and soil. This makes them easier to grow and harvest.

Select Native Crops

  • Crops suited for your farm’s natural biome will thrive with less effort.
  • Local crops are already adapted to the climate, temperature, and soil.

Start with Fast Maturing Crops

  • Quick harvest crops like lettuce, wheat, and carrots are great when starting out.
  • You can collect earnings faster to invest in new crops and expansion.

Upgrade to Speed Up Growth

  • Use diamonds to instantly complete crop growth stages.
  • Purchase upgrades to permanently reduce crop growth time.

Avoid Fussy, Labor Intensive Crops

  • High maintenance crops like coffee and tea require lots of harvesting and processing.
  • Save those for when your farm is more established and profitable.

Plant Crops in a Way That Maximizes Space and Efficiency

The way you arrange your crops will impact your productivity and earnings. Follow these tips:

Use Rectangular or Square Sections

  • Dividing crops into neat rectangular or square sections makes harvesting faster.
  • Straight rows with open aisles allow easy machine and character access.

Group Similar Crops Together

  • Plant the same crops together in sections to streamline harvesting.
  • You can quickly collect all of one crop before moving to the next area.

Intermingle Fast and Slow Growing Crops

  • Balance quick harvest crops with longer maturity ones.
  • As you wait for slow crops, you can collect earnings from faster ones.

Leave Space Between Sections

  • Allow room for aisles and paths between crop sections.
  • Open space allows sunlight and air circulation to reach all plants.

Maximize Every Inch of Tillable Land

  • Utilize small or irregularly shaped plots by hand.
  • Fill any unused space to increase your earnings potential.

Choosing the ideal crops for your Hay Day farm takes research and planning. Match crops to your farm’s climate and soil. Select plants that are high value and easy to grow. Use proper arrangements to maximize productivity. With the right crops, your farm will flourish!

Strategically placing buildings is important for an efficient and attractive farm layout in Hay Day. Follow these tips when positioning the various buildings on your farm:

Group Similar Buildings Together

Cluster buildings with related functions into different areas:

  • Place all animal enclosures and production buildings together.
  • Group your house, silo, and barn in a main farm complex.
  • Put all your crafting buildings like bakery and sugar mill in one area.

Position Buildings for Efficient Resource Collection

Locate buildings so you can easily harvest and collect from them:

  • Position barns and coops close to pastures for quick feeding and cleaning.
  • Build crafting structures near crops needed to supply them.
  • Place resource buildings close to each other to speed up collection runs.

Use Buildings to Create Visually Appealing Areas

Arrange buildings in ways that look organized and aesthetically pleasing:

  • Align buildings in rows or around courtyards.
  • Face buildings towards paths or inward to create defined spaces.
  • Position larger central buildings with smaller ones radiating outward.
  • Angle buildings to create depth and visual interest.

Leave Space Around Buildings

Allow adequate room around structures for characters and machines to easily move:

  • Make paths wide enough for multiple characters.
  • Ensure decorations don’t obstruct building entrances or exits.
  • Allow space for production machines like berry bushes outside.

Elevate Some Buildings

Place some buildings on low platforms to add variety:

  • Terraced or elevated buildings provide visual structure.
  • Changes in elevation help break up spaces and define sections.
  • Steps, paths, and decorations can connect elevated buildings.

Decorations like flowers, trees, paths, and amenities make your Hay Day farm stand out. Use decor to enhance the layout and create an aesthetically pleasing space.

Add Trees, Flowers, and Decorations

Trees, bushes, flowers, and other decor add vibrancy and character to your farm.

  • Outline crop sections and paths with fences, bushes, and flower beds.
  • Place decorative items like benches, streetlamps, and sculptures around main buildings.
  • Dot flowering plants and trees throughout crop areas and open spaces.

Use Decorations to Create Paths and Borders

Clearly define different farm areas using fences, paths, and landscaping.

  • Make attractive paths to connect buildings using brick or gravel.
  • Build fences or trellises with ivy to separate crop sections.
  • Border production areas with vegetation like trees and flower bushes.

Create Themed Areas on Your Farm

Develop unique spaces with specific decors that work together:

  • Build a fruit orchard surrounded by flower beds and benches.
  • Make a vegetable garden with stakes, water features, and stone paths.
  • Design an exotic animal enclosure with special foliage, toys, and shelters.

Incorporate Water Features

Water elements like ponds, streams, and fountains add ambiance and dimension.

  • Place ponds or pools near farmhouses for a soothing focal point.
  • Have small streams connect different areas with footbridges crossing over.
  • Scatter fountains strategically to enhance spaces with the pleasant sounds of flowing water.

Use Terrain Shaping Decorations

Items that alter terrain like hills, valleys, and elevation changes make farms more dynamic.

  • Raise buildings onto platforms for visual interest and separation.
  • Make hills and pits to create open play areas for farm animals.
  • Use ramps and stairs to connect changes in ground elevation.

With thoughtful placement of decorations and amenities, you can make your Hay Day farm layout truly spectacular. Let your creativity shine!

Running an efficient farm in Hay Day takes diligent management and cultivation. Follow these tips to keep your farm productive and prosperous:

Harvest Crops Regularly

  • Check crops frequently and harvest as soon as ready.
  • Collect produce from fully grown plants before replanting.
  • Work top to bottom on crop sections to avoid missing plants.

Collect Resources from Buildings

  • Gather eggs, wool, milk, and honey when ready.
  • Visit production buildings often to pick up made goods.
  • Collect and restock merchant stalls with fresh products.

Sell Goods to Earn Coins

  • Sell crops and artisan goods to visitors at roadside stalls.
  • Fulfill town orders to make big coin profits.
  • Trade in the harbor and newspaper to get the best prices.

Use Coins to Upgrade and Expand

  • Spend coins to add more farm plots and production buildings.
  • Invest in machines and technology to increase output.
  • Upgrade buildings, machines, and other elements to improve productivity.

Complete Achievements for Rewards

  • Regularly check achievement progress.
  • Complete milestones to earn prizes like diamonds.
  • Achievements also give you goals to work towards.

Care for Your Animals

  • Feed animals daily and pet them to improve mood.
  • Shear sheep and alpacas when their wool is ready.
  • Buy more animals once you can meet all their needs consistently.

With dedication and organization, you can create a smoothly operating farm that will provide consistent yields and income. Stick to a routine, reinvest profits, and your farm will continue growing and thriving.

In Hay Day, a well-designed farm layout is crucial for smooth operations and efficiency. Keep these tips in mind when planning your farm’s layout:

Place Buildings to Minimize Walking Time

  • Position buildings close to the fields containing their required crops.
  • Group production areas together to quickly move between tasks.
  • Have paths directly connect related building areas.

Create Paths for Easy Access

  • Make straight, spacious paths to efficiently reach all farm areas.
  • Connect every building and field to the main looping farm road.
  • Use footbridges to cross streams, ponds, and other obstacles.

Group Similar Crops Together

  • Plant the same crops together in rectangular sections.
  • You can quickly harvest each entire section of one crop at a time.
  • Separate differing crop types with paths or dividing elements.

Use Buildings and Trees as Windbreaks

  • Position buildings and trees to block or redirect prevailing winds.
  • This protects delicate crops from harsh winds and prevents soil erosion.
  • Evergreen trees or rows of bushes make the best natural wind barriers.

Allow Adequate Storage and Processing Space

  • Build sufficiently large barns, silos, and warehouses to store harvests.
  • Ensure production facilities have ample room for machines and goods.
  • Avoid bottlenecks in storage and processing that can limit earnings.

With foresight and planning, you can create a farm layout in Hay Day that operates like a well-oiled machine. Use these tips to maximize productivity and keep your farm running smoothly.

In addition to functionality, an attractive aesthetic design gives your Hay Day farm visual appeal. Use these tips to make your farm layout truly beautiful:

Use a Variety of Decorations

  • Incorporate different types of decorations like benches, lamps, bushes, and ponds.
  • Vary heights and shapes to add layers and dimension.
  • Combine patterns, colors, and textures for visual interest.

Create Defined Activity Areas

  • Use fences, paths, trees, and elevation changes to define sections.
  • Areas for animals, crops, production, and residences will feel organized.
  • Add unique identifiers like archways, signposts, or ground patterns.

Plant Colorful Crops and Foliage

  • Grow a rainbow of bright, cheery crops like peppers, carrots, and tomatoes.
  • Border crop areas with vibrant flowers and decorative plants.
  • Use fruit trees like cherries or peaches for pops of color when in bloom.

Incorporate Water Features

  • Ponds, streams, and fountains add soothing auditory and visual elements.
  • Use footbridges over water features to connect areas.
  • Arrange crops and buildings around ponds or streams.

Follow Curving Paths

  • Winding, curved roads and footpaths look more natural.
  • Use curved lines when placing fences, tree lines, streams, and borders.
  • Circular planting beds also add shape diversity.

Create Seating Areas for Relaxing

  • Use benches, tables, and chairs to make inviting hangout spaces.
  • Place seating areas by decorative elements like fountains, gardens, or farms.
  • Connect seating spaces to walking paths.

With clever uses of shapes, colors, and materials your farm can be both productive and absolutely picture perfect! Let your creativity shine.

Hay Day allows for many types of unique and creative farm layouts. Here are some examples of popular designs:

Traditional Farm Layout

This classic layout has a central farmhouse complex with barns, stables, and equipment buildings surrounding it in organized rows. Crops are divided into neat sections bordered by fences and paths leading out from the central complex. Silos, windmills, and other structures provide vertical elements. It’s efficient, structured, and reminiscent of old-fashioned family farms.

Modern Farm Layout

A modern farm has buildings and decor with clean, contemporary designs placed in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. Crops may be planted in geometric patterns interspersed with decorative foliage and flowers. Orchards, gardens, and animal enclosures have modern fencing and shelters. Path lighting, sculptures, and reflective water elements add modern flair.

Themed Layouts

Choose a specific theme like an orchid, rose garden, or animal sanctuary then decorate appropriately. For example, an English cottage garden with meandering paths, vibrant floral patches, trellises, and garden decor. Or a chicken farm with custom coops, feeding stations, and wide fenced paddocks. Let your creativity shine!

Compact Layouts

Maximize a small farm by intermingling buildings and production areas. Place buildings at angles to save space and create interest. Intersperse crops in small symmetrical sections surrounded by paths and decor. Use shelves, stands, and vertical storage. A greenhouses or rooftop mini-garden optimizes space.

Unique Layouts

Take inspiration from hedge mazes, vineyard designs, or old-world estate layouts. Some farms use a spiral or concentric ring design. Others mix geometric and circular patterns or mimic natural landscapes. Customize your farm with your own flair and personality!

The possibilities for farm layouts in Hay Day are endless. Choose a design that not only functions efficiently but also reflects your own personal taste and creativity. Then watch your farm prosper!

Creating a beautifully designed, productive farm in Hay Day takes planning and effort. Start by mapping out an efficient layout with logically placed buildings, crop fields, and paths. Select the most suitable crops for your farm’s terrain and climate. Use fences, trees, elevations, and decorations to define pleasant spaces. Arrange buildings and plants to maximize productivity. Manage your harvests, production, and sales diligently. Add visually appealing decorations and amenities. Employ symmetry and patterns for order. With creativity and organization, you can have an efficient, thriving, and gorgeous farm that is uniquely your own. The work you put into your design will pay off as your farm flourishes, grows, and earns you big coins!

Hay Day Farm Designs - Create a Beautiful and Functional Farm with These Tips (2024)


Does decorating your farm in Hay Day do anything? ›

Decorations are items which players can place on their farms or towns for purely decorative purposes. They have no other function in the game.

What is the secret to Hay Day? ›

Always Have Seed Crops Ready to Plant

You should always be planting seed crops. This is how you'll be making most of your cash in the game, plus you'll need the produce eventually. So, make sure that the seeds are ready to plant at all times so that once you harvest something, you can slot the new seeds in there.

What is the best thing to farm in Hay Day? ›


Wheating is the process of planting all your fields with wheat and constantly harvesting and selling them to get rare items. It is easily the highest profit and xp in the game.

Is there strategy in Hay Day? ›

Crafting a Strategic Approach

Optimal Hay Day leveling involves adopting a strategic mindset. Rather than hastening through levels, focus on accumulating coins and resources.

What is the most profitable thing to do in Hay Day? ›

The best way to gain coins, other than using boosters, is to sell goods at Roadside Shop at maximum price. There are many goods for you to choose to produce in a factory. Rather than producing what you don't have enough of, you can produce goods which can generate the most revenue.

What is the point of collecting chickens in Hay Day? ›

Moving around the Valley and completing requests will earn you Tokens, which can be used to purchase precious items in the Valley Shop(s). Depending on the game mode, you will need to collect Chickens, or rescue Sanctuary Animals to unlock an exclusive Valley Shop containing even more valuable things for sale!

Is it possible to hack the game Hay Day? ›

However, for many, **Hay Day Cheats** offer a way to enjoy the game without the grind. These cheats can range from simple tricks to get more resources to complex hacks that unlock new features. Whether you're looking to speed up production or get more diamonds, cheats can provide a shortcut to your farming dreams.

Does Hay Day ever end? ›

The game currently has no linear plot and the player has free rein over their farm. There is no end-game scenario, as the game is constantly updated (although some argue that when you have unlocked all products and have completed all achievements the game has come to an end, in a way).

How to get vouchers in Hay Day Cheats? ›

Players can obtain vouchers by:
  1. filling truck orders for metal bars and refined coal.
  2. filling truck orders for jewelry.
  3. completing boat shipments.
  4. letting town visitors view your sanctuary.
  5. finding them in mystery boxes (random)
  6. spinning the Wheel of Fortune (random)
  7. winning horseshoe rewards in derbies (random)

What is the most profitable harvest in Hay Day? ›

Hands down, wheat is your best bet! You can grow it in just 2 minutes and sell it to other players for fast cash.

What is the most profitable food in Hay Day? ›

Hands down, the most profitable item in Hay Day is bacon and eggs! Those piggies and chickens work wonders for your wallet.

What is the best tree to sell in Hay Day? ›

Apple trees make the most money, followed closely by coffee bushes and olive trees. The only other thing to take into account is how popular the items are. Apples don't sell nearly as quickly as blackberries or cherries, but they will eventually sell.

What is the most efficient way to make money in Hay Day? ›

The last and by far the best way to earn coins in HayDay is in your Roadside Shop. Your Roadside shop is thé place on your farm where the real business happens. Here you can sell your goods for a price you want. Of course you can't sell corn for 1 million coins, there are maximum prices for the goods you sell.

What is the fastest way to level up in Hay Day? ›

How to Level Up Fast in Hay Day?
  1. Look Out for Double XP Events.
  2. Take Advantage of Animal to Level Up Fast.
  3. Revive Trees and Harvesting Crops.
  4. Farm Pass Offers XP Rewards.
  5. Purchasing Hay Day Diamonds to Level Up.
  6. Conclusion.
Jul 26, 2024

What does paint do in Hay Day? ›

Paint buckets are supplies used to upgrade the bed and breakfast, the diner and the Town Hall. They are unlocked at experience level 34. They are stored in the barn.

How to redesign your farm on Hay Day? ›

From experience level 37 onwards, players can use the Layout Edit Mode to edit the current layouts of their farm, and to create new ones. The same features unlocks at experience level 34 for the town. Players have one mode for the town and another one for the farm but they function the same way.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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