Real Australians understand the value of whistleblowers, but when it comes to the crunch, our leaders are slow on reform (2025)

Whether by accident or design, in the same week the government made submissions to its whistleblower reform inquiry public, World Press Freedom Day reminded everyone of the importance of free, fair and informed societies — something whistleblowers play a huge role in.

In updated rankings published by Reporters Without Borders on Friday, Australia ranked 39th in the world for press freedom — dropping 12 places in just 12 months.

That was last week.

This week opens with ex-military lawyer David McBride's sentencing after he pleaded guilty in November to leaking sensitive classified military information to the ABC that formed the basis of the Afghan Files because, he said, the law as it stood for whistleblowers left him with no other choice.

The next whistleblower to stand trial is Australian Tax Office (ATO) whistleblower Richard Boyle in September, after he exposed a disturbing culture within the organisation in 2017, which led to a series of reforms.

Both men have spent years waiting for judgment day, unable to work and having to battle financial issues, including funding the legal battles being waged by the Commonwealth.

Reform promises starting to look a little hollow

Against this backdrop and a growing public interest in whistleblower protections, the government promised to make whistleblower reforms a priority.

In November last year, the same week McBride pleaded guilty, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus released a consultation paper on whistleblower reform, specifically on how to improve the effectiveness of the Public Interest Disclosure Act for reporting potential wrongdoing, as well as whether there was a was a need to establish a separate Whistleblower Protection Authority or appoint a dedicated whistleblower commissioner.

But that priority is starting to look a little hollow and there's a chance it might not happen until after the next election — unless the government quickens its pace.

While governments like to be seen to be supporters of whistleblowers, including holding inquiries, issuing press releases and making promises ahead of elections, when it comes to the crunch, perception and reality are two different things and tough talk often becomes hostage to excruciating long delays or watered down reforms.

For instance, a proposal to set up a Whistleblower Protection Authority was first raised by the Greens in the early 1990s at a Senate committee into whistleblowing. It resurfaced in 2017 at another parliamentary inquiry into whistleblowing and again in 2019 when Labor promised that if it was elected it would establish such an authority and also set up a whistleblower rewards scheme.

"Labor doesn't want to see good people punished for doing the right thing," the then-shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus said in the 2019 press release.

Five years on, a whistleblower authority and commissioner is once again being discussed.

We got a National Anti-Corruption Commission, but is it enough?

The overriding theme of some of the submissions released last week is that our whistleblowing protection laws are not fit for purpose and need updating. Some call for a separate independent agency to help fill the gaps and encourage more whistleblowing.

Australians have had a gutful of corruption in the public and private sector and understand the crucial role of whistleblowers. Sports rorts, Robodebt … the list goes on.

It is why they backed a federal anti-corruption agency at the last election, something both sides of politics had resisted in one way or another for years.

The new National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) was born in late 2022, but it didn't include a whistleblower protection commissioner — something crossbenchers had pushed for in their anti-corruption bills introduced in 2018 and 2020.

While the NACC includes some protections of whistleblowers, its latest submission highlights some glaring shortcomings.

Released last week, the NACC says: "[It] makes this submission given the importance of whistleblowers in combating corruption, and thus our interest in ensuring that anyone who reports suspected corrupt conduct to the Commission or elsewhere has appropriate protection from liability and reprisals. Such protections facilitate, support and encourage the reporting of corrupt conduct by those most likely to have information about it."

It says to date, 77 per cent of referrals received by the NACC have been assessed as not raising a corruption issue. "This raises a question whether a referral to the commission which does not in fact raise a corruption issue attracts the protections," it says.

"As such, it is uncertain whether Part 4 of the NACC Act provides protection to persons who make referrals which do not in fact meet the threshold in the definition of 'corruption issue' in the Act. This could mean that a disclosure which does not in fact raise a corruption issue may not attract the protections," the submission says.

It says the NACC Act doesn't provide protection for communications a whistleblower may have had with professional advisers, either before, during or after making a disclosure, for advice or support.

"The commission recommends that the NACC Act be amended so that disclosures to professional advisers are protected provided there is a relationship of confidentiality between the discloser and the adviser, and the disclosure is made under that relationship for the purpose of obtaining advice or assistance in connection with the disclosure or the disclosure process."

There are other gaps that need to be addressed.

Real Australians understand the value of whistleblowers, but when it comes to the crunch, our leaders are slow on reform (1)

And when it comes to the elephant in the room of addressing proper whistleblower reforms, such as introducing a rewards scheme for whistleblowers and a standalone whistleblower protection agency, the NACC squibs.

On rewards, it says it is "disinclined to be supportive of a rewards scheme".

And as far as a separate protection agency is concerned, while it concedes a separate agency could serve as a "first port of call" for potential whistleblowers given "the current fragmented legislative approach to protected reporting at the Commonwealth level", it then backtracks and says it "sees force" in a recent review of Queensland's Public interest Disclosure Act, which was not "persuaded of the efficacy of a standalone body, and accepted the need for caution against a new body in an already crowded integrity landscape — an observation that applies equally to the Commonwealth".


Like the Queensland review, the NACC says it has concerns about "potential conflicts of interest in housing all the relevant functions, including provision of advice and support, in one agency, and questions whether the number of cases justifies the requisite resourcing to establish such an agency".

It believes similar benefits could be gained by offering more support for whistleblowers.

It's an attitude that will provide a comfortable fig leaf to those politicians and bureaucrats who want to be seen backing whistleblower protections, but not too much.

For potential whistleblowers and those who work with whistleblowers, or have been advocating for change, it is a disappointing stance from an entity formed to investigate corruption, part of which would never come to light without whistleblowers coming forward.

As Kieran Pender, from the Human Rights Law Centre posted on X on Friday:

"Today is World Press Freedom Day. It is a reminder of the importance of journalism to our democracy. But journalists cannot do their job without whistleblowers … Prosecuting whistleblowers who expose government wrongdoing is undemocratic and undermines press freedom. The Albanese government should stop prosecuting whistleblowers and instead get on with fixing whistleblowing laws and establishing a whistleblower protection authority."

Real Australians understand the value of whistleblowers, but when it comes to the crunch, our leaders are slow on reform (2025)


What happens to whistleblowers in Australia? ›

Whistleblowers are protected against reprisals. This includes: any civil or criminal liability for reporting the concern (they are only liable for their own misconduct) any contractual or other remedy being enforced by the investigation.

Is true or false under the Australian whistleblowing laws the identity of a whistleblower can never be disclosed? ›

Identity protection

If you are a tax whistleblower, it is illegal for someone to disclose your identity, or information that is likely to lead to your identification. However, you may consent to sharing your identity.

What did the whistle blowing signify? ›

The word is linked to the use of a whistle to alert the public or a crowd about such problems as the commission of a crime or the breaking of rules during a game. The phrase whistle blower attached itself to law enforcement officials in the 19th century because they used a whistle to alert the public or fellow police.

What is the concept of whistle blowing? ›

Whistleblowing is the lawful disclosure of information a discloser reasonably believes evidences wrongdoing to an authorized recipient . It is the mechanism to get the right information to the right people to counter wrongdoing and promote proper, effective, and efficient operation of IC functions.

Do whistleblowers get paid in Australia? ›

Causing or threatening detriment to a whistleblower

This may result in a penalty to the person but not necessarily any compensation. ASIC cannot order compensation be paid to you. You can seek compensation through a court if you suffer loss, damage or injury for making your disclosure.

Are whistleblowers really protected? ›

Under California Labor Code Section 1102.5, if an employer retaliates against a whistleblower, the employer may be required to reinstate the employee's employment and work benefits, pay lost wages, and take other steps necessary to comply with the law.

Who qualifies as a whistleblower? ›

Protected whistleblowers are those who have exposed fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or unlawful activity within a HHS agency, contractor, subcontractor, grantee or subgrantee organization, and the law prohibits employers from taking retaliatory actions against them.

What is not considered whistleblowing? ›

A disclosure of waste, fraud, or abuse that includes classified information is not a protected disclosure under the whistleblower laws unless the disclosure is made in accordance with the laws and rules that govern the proper handling and transmission of classified information.

What are the risks of whistleblowing? ›

If you remain confidential, it may be more difficult to demonstrate that your employer knew about your whistleblowing, which can help to prove retaliation. Yet, going public may expose you to professional isolation, public scrutiny, expensive defamation suits, and even threats to your safety.

What is the main message of the whistle? ›

One such story is “The Whistle.” The story relates how the seven-year-old Franklin's delight in a new toy turns to dismay when he learns that he has paid far too much for it. Franklin crafted the tale into a moral lesson urging others to question the undue value attributed to material possessions.

What is the intention of whistle blowing? ›

Perceived Seriousness of Wrongdoing and Whistleblowing Intention. Whistleblowing is defined as “the disclosure by organizational members (former or current) of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action” [13].

Why is whistle blowing ethical? ›

Whistleblowing is an individual's response to wrongdoing, such as unsafe care, inappropriate or unethical behaviour or illegal activity. Even though whistleblowing is usually done with good intentions for ending the wrongdoing, the reactions towards the whistle-blower vary from appreciation to retaliation.

What consequences do whistleblowers face? ›

Consult your loved ones: Blowing the whistle may be one of your most difficult professional decisions, and it can have long-lasting personal impacts for you and your loved ones. You could be forced out of your chosen career fields, subjected to public smear campaigns, and undergo severe psychological trauma.

What does the government do to whistleblowers? ›

Information for federal employees

The Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) (5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8)) protects federal employees or applicants for federal employment from retaliation for making protected disclosures. The WPA also provides penalties for supervisors who retaliate against whistleblowers.

Do whistleblowers get blacklisted? ›

Most federal laws do not extend rights beyond the employment context, yet some individuals are vulnerable to retaliation due to their relationships with a whistleblower. For example, family members of whistleblowers may also face blacklisting in their career field due to their spouse or parent's whistleblowing.

What percentage of whistleblowers get fired? ›

Taking unmatched complaints into account, we estimated that the termination rate for permanent employees who filed whistleblower disclosures could be any percentage from 2.9 to 5.2 percent.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.